Alan’s focus is on faithfully following Jesus through calling out social and economic injustice. He challenges those in power and leads the internal journeys necessary to address prejudices. He is a Daily Maverick opinionista; uses the church’s visibility in central Cape Town to address social injustice (Yellow Banner Theology); and facilitates anti-bias workshops. He teaches about Jesus in Southern Africa and abroad, including Sudan, USA and UK.
Rev. Alan Storey

Alan was a conscientious objector during apartheid South Africa, lived on the streets and in shanty towns to more deeply identify with the homeless and the poor; and provided sanctuary to refugees. He also led the transformation of a small exclusively white congregation into a community that embodied a rich diversity of peoples who engaged deeply with dwellers in the nearby informal settlement. Alan is a Board member of Inclusive and Affirming Ministries (I AM) which advocates for the inclusion of the LGBTQI+ community within the church.